Monday, December 29, 2008


Having just heard about a proposal to sell or privatize a toll road, the Mass turnpike to raise cash for the Commonwealth it seems like a good idea to me.
I'm not sure exactly sure how this concept would be workable but any time we can get less government involvement in our lives just gets my Libertarian blood all aerated.

It's a fact the government on all levels does everything worse and more costly than the private sector is capable of doing. So why should we stop at toll roads?

I propose we totally privatize the education system in America, State by State.
They will be privatized eventually, when the tax payers finally get enough of the union mandates and monopolistic hold of our scholastic system.
I've said it before so I won't go into detail but let's get rid of the federal department of education and send the responsibility of educating our youths back to where God meant it to be, in the arms of the PTA'S of America.

Don't get me wrong, I like to see a jet fighter flying over my head protecting our air space from the bad guys in the world. If Canada, Mexico or Rhode Island decided to launch a few missiles into our country I want to be able to slap them a silly, or in the very least tear them a new one!

My thinking is that our government is way to huge and is spending us into an inflationary trend never seen before. I know what your thinking...Here I go again. The department of Redundancy... but it's really true. Let's get rid of not create more government.

So as I stare out the window at the birds on the feeder, awaiting the next snow flake to fall somehow I just can't help but think of the money wasted each and every day in this great country of ours. As Bob Dylan penned "lives they are a changing" with this new Obama Presidency, I hope in the right direction, but all signs point to bigger government and more corperate greed with more bail out dollars and less worker productivity.


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